Our clients are grassroots and civic organizations, global agencies, private corporations, and small businesses.

Celebrities / Personalities
- Ray Chew
- Edwina Findley Dickerson
- Julius “Dr. J” Erving
- Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell
- Cheryl Wills/NY-1 News
- Shawn Gables/CBS2
- Mike Woods/Fox 5
- Jason Michael Webb
- Jeff Redd
- Morris Chestnut
- Beverly Johnson
- Alonzo Mourning
- Rev. Renee Washington Gardner
- Golf Legend – Charlie Sifford
- Dr. Lucille Farrell-Scott
- Dr. Sunne-Ryse Smith
- Bill Cosby
- Darlene Love
- Cuba Gooding, Sr.
- Dwana Smallwood
- George Faison
- Dante
- Jeremiah Abiah
- Ananda Lewis
- Eric L. Adams, Brooklyn Borough President
- Atim Annette Oton/Designer, Art Curator, Entrepreneur
- Al Diaz/Pioneer Graffitti & Stree Artist, Author & Public Speaker
- Ronnie Oliva, Founder/CEO – Sykes Global Media
- Tyra Emmerson, CEO – Cultural Collaborative Jamaica
- Voza Rivers, Chairman – Harlem Arts Alliance
- Lloyd A Williams, President/CEO – Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce
- Barbara Horowitz, Founder/CEO – Community Works, NYC
- Pernessa Seele, CEO/Founder – The Balm In Gilead
- Wendell Haskins, Director – Professional Golf Association (PGA)
- Marie-Yolaine Eusebe, Founder – Community2Community
- Rev. Renee Washington-Gardner, Pastor
- Jae Gardner, President/CEO – Ivy Key
- Dan Spiner, President – Edison Group
- Edwin D’Angelo, Fashion Designer